bathtiles.js, an open-source javascript library(npm) that helps developers quickly build a heatmap similar to github commits and leetcode submissions.example: my leetcode submissions
this is showcasing my leetcode submission using bathtiles.js, a npm library I created. I originally wanted to showcase my step count, but there isn’t an easy way to get Apple Health data for web apps...yet...
Formula1 Updates, get weekly update on everything F1 by following on twitter. built with Python, GDELT, NLTK, Newpaper3k, facebook/bart-cnn LLM, GitHub Actions, and X APIs.
Tweets by f1updatesapi i wanted to have some fun with hugging face LLMs, GDELT, and Newspaper3k(i'm a fan of this package). i'm using X to showcase the results because its was easiest way, but it limits the length of my posts. the next step for this project would be fine tuning to improve the results but i rather work on other projects at the moment.